What You Should Know About Tours This Year

What You Need to Know about Tonle Sap Tours

Year after year, there are so many people touring Tonle Sap and this has made it one of the best and most integral tourists attractions in Cambodia. Tonle Sap is a floating village and this increases its popularity. Seemingly, there are schools, markets and homes floating in the water. Therefore, many people are always booking their trips to witness this amazing scenery. Jotted below are some facts about Tonle Sap floating village and tips to help you through Tonle Sap tours.

To begin with, there are over 1 million people who are living in Tonle Sap. Basically, Tonle Sap is in fact, it’s the largest lake in Cambodia and the entire Southeast Asia. The populaces living in the floating village depend on fishing for their day to day meals.

There are four main villages that you can tour in Tonle Sap. These villages are Chong Kneas, Kampong Khleang, Mechrey and Kampong Phluk. All these villages are in close range from Siem reap. Basically, you will be the one to determine the right floating village to tour between the four available villages.

There is need for you to determine the ideal time for you to tour Tonle Sap. You can either tour Tonle Sap when its wet or dry. Doing your homework will enable you choose the best season. The prices are always hiked up during the cold seasons and they are slightly low during the dry season.

There are multiple companies which help plan Tonle Sap tours and these are the companies that you must scrutinize and identify the best. However, it’s fundamental for you to identify the best company meticulously as some of the companies are canning. It is where you lack keenness and at the same time fail to exercise due diligence that you get to experience hardships and complexities throughout the tours. Where you are keen, you will manage to jettison these complexities.

It is after identifying the right company for your trip that you get to book your seat and place in advance. Generally, booking in advance makes it possible for you to have the company makes plans on your behalf as there are times when the company receives more than required applications or requests. It is therefore appropriate for you to have the tour company avail all the requirements which you are to meet before taking your trip. For instance, it deems fit that you place your visa application early enough.

The only way to have the best and the most existing Tonle Sap tour is through planning your trip meticulously. Therefore it deems fit that you conduct an extensive research which will help you identify the best floating village to tour. This meticulousness should be extended to identifying the right tour company.

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