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Hearing Aids and how they enable Hearing.

A hearing aid is a very important gadget to people who cannot hear naturally. The value of a hearing aid is just incomparable because hearing loss is irreversible Hearing aids are the only way for victims of hearing loss to hear the beautiful sounds of life has to offer. Despite many people using the hearing aids, the truth is that not all understand how they work. Before you can shed any light on hearing aids you need to look at hearing loss first.

The leading cause of hearing loss old age. There is a fifty percent chance that when you attain the age of seventy five and over your hearing loss will not be as sharp as it has been in the earlier years. Caution may have been given against exposure to loud noises, this is another way people lose their hearing ability. very young people can lose their hearing ability this way too. Loud explosions are responsible for permanent hearing loss.

People working in industrial environments with a lot of noise need to have protective gear to protect their ears. If you expose yourself to volumes exceeding seventy five decibels for prolonged periods of time you are at risk of losing your hearing because that is the safe limit. Losing your hearing will take a shorter time if you are exposed to 85 decibels and over. A human ear is made up of many parts that work in harmony to enable a person to hear through conversion of the sound waves into messages that can be interpreted by the human brain. The sound waves are first turned into electrical signals which can be received by the auditory nerve of the ear. The hearing process begins with sound entering the hearing canal where spend hits the eardrum causing vibration , the inner ear bone picks the vibrations and turns them into ripples in the cochlea fluid. The ripples in the cochlear fluid stimulate the hair cells of the inner ear that triggers chemicals generating an electrical signal that is then picked by the auditory nerve and transmitted to the brain in sounds that we understand.

When you break it down any hearing aid is made up of a battery, microchip, receiver, amplifier and receiver. The microphones receive sounds from the outside word and translate them into signals of a digital kind which will be then processed by a microchip. The microchip can be customized to fit the needs of the user because not all hearing loss is the same. The work of the amplifier is to make the sounds louder and stronger, the volume is customizable to make the sounds more distinct and comfortable for the user. The work of the receiver is to turn the digital signals into vibrations that the ear can understand. There are different types of hearing aids that suit the user depending on the needs and serve specific roles.

Cited reference: see this website
