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These Are The Top 10 Of The Best Personal Loans And Rates You Should Know

If you are planning to get a personal loan in order to help you with your financial crisis you must first make sure that you do a thorough research on what are the most recommended ones out there. When you do this, you are able to avail the best offer at a reasonable rate. Know a lot more about personal loans in this article.

Let us start with Personal Club. Those who have a credit score of 600 are accepted in Personal Club. They are a well-known online lender. They offer rates as low as 6.16% Before applying, you should know that they also charge origination fees, late payment penalties, check processing fees, and more. The maximum waiting time for your application to get processed is 6 days. You can learn more about what they offer by clicking the bolded text.

The next personal loan you may want to consider is Earnest since they have no fees and they offer awesome rates. The credit score requirement for Earnest is 660 or higher. They offer their rate of 5.25%.

If your credit score is 620 you may want to apply for a loan from OneMain Financial. Their interest rate goes up from 16.05%. Their staff are well-known in providing good customer service. Learn more about it by clicking the bolded text.

PNC is a boutique bank that is growing rapidly through the years. Their savings accounts have a rate of 2.3% above. Since they offer awesome personal loans they are making a name for themselves. Their interest rate is between 3.9% and 25.4% which will depend on your credit and loan.

Prosper is another peer to peer online lender. They are well-known for their debt consolidation and 70% of their borrowers are consolidators. Their process time is about three to five business days. In addition, they have an interest rate of 6.95%. Go and learn more about this amazing lender.

Wells Fargo is known to frequent borrowers. A proof of how big the bank Wells Fargo is that it has around 6,000 branches all over America. Their loans can last up to 5 years at a 7.24%.

If you have a credit score of 670 or higher and at least 3-4 years of credit history you may want to apply for Marcus. You can have an interest of 6.99% 24.99% depending on what type of loan you will get approved of. You may choose for your loan to last between 2-6 years. Find out more about them and apply for a personal loan now.

If you have a credit score between 600 to 700 you should apply for Avant. Know that their interest rate is 9.95%.

If you are in a rush to get the money, you may want to apply from LightStream. However, you will need to have good credit or better in order to get it accepted.

The last on our list is SoFi. People who have good credit scores have a better chance in getting good interest rates. To elaborate, if you have a credit score above 680, you are able to get an interest of 6.99%. They offer loans between $5000.00 and $100,000.00.
